The Joshua Osih vs Nintcheu Rift

Joshua Osih, first vice president of the Social Democratic Party (SDF) has been excluded from the Littoral arm of a party he leads Hon Jean Michel Nintcheu, the littoral leader of the SDF announced in a video that Osih is…

DR Congo Sues Cameroon, After Knockout

Few days after their elimination from CHAN by Cameroon, the Congolese football Association (FECOFA) has sued Cameroon against poor treatments and malpractice. According to footrdc, the Congolese football governing body has submitted a complaint file to CAF and FIFA, saying…

Ex Amba Fighters Strike Against Poor Treatment At DDR

Ex Amba fighters are protesting in Buea, South West region against poor treatments at the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Rehabilitation centre. Reports say they have blocked the main road leading to Bokwago, demanding for better treatments. They are accompanied by security…