“Biya, 88, Should Be 1st To Receive Covid Vaccine On TV” – Sosthene Lipot

Sosthene Lipot, Communications seccrtary of the CRM party has said Cameroon's ageing president Paul Biya should lead the way by being the first to receive the Covid-19 vaccines That Biya, 88, should be vaccinated on live television, and not his lookalike

Sosthene Lipot, Communications secrertary of the CRM party has said Cameroon’s ageing president Paul Biya should lead the way by being the first to receive the Covid-19 vaccines

That Biya, 88, should be vaccinated on live television, and not his lookalike

Cameroon is expected to receive its first batch of the covid vaccines in two weeks.

In his tweet, Sosthene accused some government authorities of inflating facts and figures of the vaccine to make profit from it

Weeks ago Cameroonian authorises decided they will go for the UK vaccines called AstraZeneca

But Biya, since the outbreak of coronavirus in Cameroon has laid back in the fight. His ministers have done the talking, made the announcements and ran the errands

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