Mali, Niger refuse two tax conventions signed with France

Mali and Niger have refused two conventions signed with France in a joint press release published this Tuesday, December 5, 2023.

The transitional governments of Niger and Mali stated that no convention was signed with France, a former colonial power.

The statement denied one agreement with France from 1972 which aimed to avoid double taxation and “establish rules of reciprocal assistance” in several tax matters. The other agreement had similar objectives.

“The persistent hostile attitude of France against our states… added to the unbalanced character of these agreements causing a considerable shortfall for Mali and Niger,” stated the joint statement, which was shared by Mali’s foreign ministry on social media.

The decision was justified by the unbalanced nature of both conventions which caused a considerable shortcomings for the two countries and the persistent hostilities implemented by France.

Meantime, there has been no immediate reaction from Paris.

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