“I Saw Mummy’s Killers”,The Anglophone Crisis Painted By T.Boris Alemnge

Today we zoom in on one of Cameroon’s spoken word artist, writer and poet.

T. Boris Alemnge in this Literary piece recounts a pitiful scene caused by the ongoing Anglophone crisis in Cameroon.

He paints the picture and plight of what the standing Cameroon Anglophone crisis has resulted to; the killings, murder, torture, misery and pain.

I Saw Mummy’s Killers” is a writing that would make your eyes watery :


by T.Boris Alemnge

“I saw mummy’s killers
On my journey to seek safety.
When suddenly, images flipped through my mind.

Images of that day,
When mum & I defiled the dangers of the woods,
Running amidst the sounds of bombs & guns,
When suddenly,
I heard a scream.
“Ahhh! Mandiba my son! I’ve been slayed”

In horror I turned back.
finding mum in a pool of blood,
I screamed in frustration.
With my bare nails,
I dog a narrow hole
& with zero honor, I laid her to rest.

I saw my mummy’s killers.
Remorseless & Unapologetic.
Hunger for murder still strolling in their eyes,
Anxiety to pull the trigger still evident in their shaky fingers.

I saw my mummy’s killers,
Still daring to pull me out of the bus & landing my poor knees to the ground.
Still daring to ask me for _”choko”_
& spitting on me & my mum’s memories.
I felt like strangling at least one of them,
I felt like pulling our their mask & send them running mad to their “master”.

I saw my mummy’s killers
But who am I before this huge masked men
Armed from head to toe
Working under cover
& poor me,
Just having my little voice to scream,
& my God to pray”.

About T.Boris Alemnge

T.Boris Alemnge

T.Boris Alemnge is a law student from the University of Buea. As a passion, he engages into creative writings (poetry, stories etc).

He is the founder of “STAGE LIFE ink”, a spoken poetry & stage play group which he operates alongside his duties as General Organiser of Black Youths Alliance, a pro united black African union.

Contact: 673606607
Email: tborisalemnge@mail.com
Facebook name: -T.Boris Alemnge Facebook page: STAGE LIFE

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