Tuesday September 26, 2017, Buea based artist, Bala 2K was ferried into a van by forces of law and order around Checkpoint Molyko.
His arrest at about 6; 35pm came few weeks after the release of his much celebrated video tilted Boko Haram which raised some media tension.
Weeks after his release, Bala 2k mounts the courage to explain to the Cameroonian media the circumstances leading to his arrest.
His exclusive recount to ARREYB Africa News Report is written below;
Excerpt: “I was followed from home. I saw footsteps on my door. I ran until my phone fell off without me noticing…”
Since releasing the much Celebrated Boko Haram Video, Bala felt unsafe with the numerous threats he received.
He ignored them thinking they were some idle guys in the Music industry
This however went further untill he was arrested and ferried to a prison he described as “unknown with a tiny ray of light at the top ”.
Few days to his arrest, the artist had planned to spend some time with his family in Limbe but was delayed by a colleague’s birthday party celebration.
Bala left his house and noticed two guys who followed him and slowed down whenever he did
He would later stop on two instances to see their reaction but the guys did same.
Noticing they had followed him for long, he hurriedly jumped through a bridge where his phone fell.
After escaping the danger, he realised hours later that his phone had fallen. This crippled his ability to communicate any eventual happening.
A day after, Bala on his way to Limbe was taken by some men who asked him to enter the van without any explanation.
His arrest had been so disturbing, fans and lovers took to social media with a “Free Bala 2K” campaign which went viral in the shortest time.
His communication mangement led by Ajong Santos released a communique condemning his arrest and spelt out great need for his urgent freedom.
When contacted, Bala’s manager, Blec Ace Enow would later explain to ARREYB how he was called by a friend who watched Bala smuggled into a van that evening.

However, Bala was freed some days later and his hair was shaved. He writes to ARREYB
“One will expect that after all I have been through I should be traumatized but why would I be when I came out and saw the enormous support you all gave me?
I never got entangled in politics neither was I a target of the government- I was set up.
This has again proven that the entertainment industry is a cold world where people smile while fellows drown…”
On his “Boko Haram” video, Bala sees it as a way to communicate the experience and typical hazard some Africans go through.
“We are not going to take down the Boko Haram video because the intention of the song was pure and genuine.
I do not get involved with things I don’t understand but I shall for as long as I exist stand against inequality and marginalization of any kind even if I know a thousand dark rooms await me”.
He puts this under the harsh tag #Free The Innocent.
Bala made tears run down cheeks in his piece which is still trending.
His arrest was definitely a price well paid for been a peace artist and ambassador of truth.
We can only anticipate his next move !!!
Watch Bala 2k’s “Boko Haram” video below !!!
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