Breaking The Long Silence: Cameroon’s Top Impresario, Media Relations And Tactics Expert,Leonard Bruce Behyia Speaks Out On Future Projects For Cameroon-The Wow Interview

Get inspired, get contaminated with the success syndrome. Today on ARREYB News Reports, we meet a Cameroonian celebrity, Leonard Bruce Behyia

Most often called a “moving encyclopedia”Leonard Bruce is a multi-talented person who has toured the world with his gift. Presently, he is one of Cameroon’s most expensive impresario and an icon to many. 

Let his story inspire you and stir you up to greater success.  Leonard Bruce Behyia is the name on every mouth !!!
Let’s begin with a little about your journalistic career.

In the early 90s I started a journalistic career with The Post newspaper while having other radio shows which I started in my third year at the University of Buea’s Journalism and mass communication department. One of this shows even made me spend an extra year in school.

I had always been a stringer with FM105 where I was one of the favourites from the University of Buea, I was one of the most outstanding but it’s rather fortunate that I didn’t grow to do much of journalism.

I also wrote in international and local magazines, acting as editor to some. Presently as a journalist I prefer to be called a communicator. I am into entertainment journalism, not necessarily dealing with the five Ws, one H and hard news. 

And your career as a business consultant?
20 years in the game gives you an understanding of market demographics, marketing and enough experience to function diversely. I am just a humbly gifted person who is available for anyone who needs my gift- the reason why you may see me doing so many things at a time.

I have been online managing portfolios for a lot of companies I might not want to mention for business motive. Some are airline companies, oil companies, entertainment, maritime, just so many. I really do much in this sector but would like to talk little of it.

What are some of your outstanding achievements so far?
Aside from the popularity, fame and other works, the greatest achievement to me is my ability to be humbled by life. No matter what, I have been able to understand the world to its finger tips. This very issue has affected several young people who cannot be humbled at little beginnings. Most at times, people only respect you when they need something from you but I think I learnt that early enough. This helped the outstanding works the Cameroonian media sings about me.

Any major challenges you’ve faced this far?

Yes, I should say as a disabled person I faced so many challenges; I must say it.

I fell in the university and broke my leg because the stairs were not adapted for handicapped persons. Sometimes I wonder how blind people do to study and run their affairs. So mobility has been a major challenge.

So how do you handle this challenge looking at the success you’ve got this far?

Mobility is a challenge not because it hinders my daily movement but because in Cameroon most disabled people are not seen as intelligent persons.

In every one big company, you don’t get a physically challenged person no matter how intelligent they are.

That is why one of my greatest missions is to make sure that every physically challenged person gets an opportunity and is not judged by the fact that they are blind or lame. We are trying to create an NGO to handle this and we are positive with the support of other supporting Governors and SDOs all will be done soon.

I have personally helped many others to acquire deserved jobs in some big companies in Cameroon and I think that’s just a first step to it. More is definitely on its way.

Let’s talk about some challenges you have faced working with the big companies and stars in Cameroon and beyond

Fortunately, I have had the opportunity to work in big circles out of the country and I must say I always have an easy life working abroad than with Cameroonians. My connection with every big name in almost every filed has been a lot. Think of the biggest artists in Cameroon and Africa, we all enjoy this very cordial liaison with them.

But the challenge has been to stay humble like I said earlier. A phone call through can make so much happen and I think I struggle to maintain this relationship. Fortunately enough, they must always need you around when you add value to them through your services.

What has been your inspiration?

I’ll say it a thousand times, its God! Am a humble guy who married early after losing my parents at an early stage of life. I’m most grateful to God for blessing me a guardian angel (my wife) who is very protective and caring. She is that stability that I need. My children are my hybrids and in them I see a greater future. I leave them as a seed for my world tomorrow and am very positive they would stun their world.

What is your message to many aspiring Cameroonians who look up to you?
If you ask me I’ll say Cameroonian youths want to make money so fast without going through the struggle. We want to be rich so we get into complicated practices and kill every basic of hardwork. But I’ll ask- what’s the legacy we intend to leave behind? What is your gift? As a janitor, can you be named among top janitors in Africa?

We want to be famous, yet for doing nothing. I think we should earn for what we work and leave a legacy. This has been my cry for the youths and I wish they catch this understanding.

As a communicator can we be proud to name you anywhere in Cameroon or Africa? All these are questions we should ask ourselves. Know your gift and try to explore it to the fullest.

And for those who are afraid to price themselves for duly offered services, they may still be poor. You have to be paid for what you are worth.

Any other areas of interest?

I am an expensive impresario. That alone makes me happy. When you come for my services, you’d better be ready for it. I’m blessed to be one of the most expensive impresarios in the Cameroon and that’s what makes my entertainment aspect unique. But i can tailor to context in some dire cases without cocky.

I also have a consultancy which is much functional though I would not talk much about that. All these gives me the success I am able to attain.

You earlier mentioned a disability problem which you faced. How have you been able to handle this with your career?
At the university I faced a lot of challenges after I fell and broke my leg.

In Africa, not only me but other physically challenged persons have this kind of issue. That’s why I urge many of the physically challenged to go for their dreams.

It’s been hard, you can’t get a job with the UN, law firms, UNICEF, FAO etc. But you must fighIt.

At CRTV, I haven’t had any challenge. The management has given me some opportunities too and am grateful for that.

Any upcoming projects?
Yeah a lot. I need to be called DR Behyia, that’s why I decided to go back to school to rebrand myself. There are not so many English speaking Cameroonians in the government and I look forward to seeing that happen so sometime.

I plan to pursue an evangelical ambition after my doctorate; probably a pastors school, God willing.

I also look forward to using my experience to get to higher ranks. After doing businesses with top airlines, sat in with top entrepreneurs in the US and number one business people in the Africa, Asia, I think I could do more. God being my helper, I have much on my plate to offer.
Thank you very much for accepting to talk to ARREYB News Reports, Wish you all the best ahead.

It’s been a pleasure. Thank you too, I honestly do appreciate your efforts and outstanding output to the Cameroonian media.

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