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We focus on reporting news, politics, press freedom and human rights stories. ARREYB Media is quoted by BBC Monitoring, BBC Focus On Africa, British Council, Infinity Blog Awards USA, politicians on all sides, newspapers and happy ARREYB readers. We speak truth to power, check government excesses and push for communities. Founded by Arrey Bate, Cameroonian Journalist, Blogger and Online Entrepreneur ( )

Discover Chritivity: Changing The Narratives For Start-Ups In Cameroon

Discover Chritivity: Changing The Narratives For Start-Ups In Cameroon By Israel Penn Following research, personal analysis and societal observations, two ground-breaking Cameroonian minds are overcoming the hurdles start-ups, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) encounter. Chritivity’s founder and co-founder Massango Ndumbe…