One of the world’s most kept secrets has now been revealed. Nature’s ultimate germ killer and immune system booster finally comes to Black Africa.
Meet Micacle 47, one of the world’s most effective electro-collodial-ionic silver used in the US, Canada, Europe, Israel, Australia and South Africa.
Miracle 47 is the trade name for this eletro Colloidal/Ionic Silver product. It is a pure all natural substance.
It was named MIRACLE because of its effectiveness against diseases and it is also an immune system builder. After research by three Ghanaian hospitals, Colloidal Silver has been proven affective for most diseases causing orgasm.
Over 58 patients with various kinds of diseases including HIV/AIDS, cancer, shingles, gonorrhea, syphilis, malaria, sickle cell anaemia, osteoporosis, typhoid, tiredness, arthritis, diabetic and gastric ulcers, candida, hemorrhoids, pile, herpes, diabetes, hypertension and diarrhoea have been cured.
The global results and patient’s testimonies have supported the view that Colloidal Silver is a universal cure product and an impressive immune system builder.
The product can also be taken orally, applied topically to cuts, sores, eczema or other skin irritations. It could also be dropped into eyes or ears, used vaginally or atomised and inhailed into the nose or lungs. (We have it also as a spray).
Posology depends on body weight.
The medication can be taken by all even pregnant women and new born babies.
NB: If you doubt its efficacy then make use of the internet to discover the product. Just google “colloidal Silver” or “Ionic Silver”.
You can always get the best of your health by taking Colloidal Silver.
Call: (237) 670702122 or (237) 673030304
mail: or
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