Douala: Ultra Market In The Pipeline

On February 26, 2023, during the 6th session of steering and monitoring committee of the Douala ultra modern market construction project meeting in Yaounde, the Minister of decentralization and local development George Elanga Obam talked about the creation of an ultra market in Douala.

The ultra market will occupy a surface area of 59 hectares and will be created between the Douala III and V municipalities with the project estimated at FCFA 1.8 billion.

According to the minister, the military engineering team responsible for the project is set and will begin installing
its machinery at the construction site in the days ahead.

The market which will not only serve the Douala people but also the nation at large will include shades, wholesale and retail business centres, restaurants, check points and cattle markets.

Minister Elanga Obam also promised to compensate those who will be affected by the demolition exercise when time comes.

“Am aware of the fact that, a project as huge as what is about to start will render so many people homeless and fustrated as their houses will be destroyed. I am promising to compensate all those who will be victims of the demolition exercise around the area of the market project construction and I will equally plead that those who live around the Douala III and V municipalities start getting ready and making plans on how to relocate so they are not taken unaware,” Minister Elanga Obam said.

This meeting session in Yaounde was to examine the architecture and technicalities necessary to start the market project. Meantime, the committee in charge of this project says everything is ready for Douala to have one of the biggest markets in Cameroon soon.

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