On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, journalist Abah Isidore has painted a vivid image of journalism in Cameroon in a Facebook post.
We thought it wise to share Isidore’s piece sharing his experience as a journalist working in Cameroon for over 10 years.
“In Cameroon today, journalism is practiced in fear, trembling and favour.
When a journalist uncovers wrongdoing in society, uphold the citizens’ right to know, and demand accountability from vote-holders, he or she will not only become the hunted, but will be excluded from the ‘Fraternity of Government’s Advertisement Scheme.
Even when a media organ is given adverts, payment is done based on how the media organ patronizes or ego-massages the Government in place.
Some critical media organs have practically been excluded from adverts from Government institutions and parastatals.
This precarious situation is further compounded by some media owners themselves.
They have transformed themselves into spies and saboteurs, backstabbing and mudslinging their colleagues just to get into the good books of Government officials and politicians to benefit from adverts at the peril of their colleagues.
This explains why hundreds of press organs that are created in Cameroon today only toe the line of ‘Hallelujah Journalism.’
The Executive and the other two arms of Government are happy to keep the Fourth Estate in perpetual chaos and make its practitioners miserable, so that, they will be unable to vet their activities.
It’s time for Journalists in Cameroon to unite and restore their battered image. If not, the mantra we’re chanting today; Journalism without Fear or Favour will just t be another hoax”
Abah Isidore – Journalist / Columnist
Abah Isidore is Desk Editor of Cameroon’s leading English bi-weekly newspaper, The Post
Isidore was awarded 2016 ‘Best Young Print Media Editor’ by the management of The Scoop Media Group
In October 2017, Isidore uncovered killings in the Anglophone regions in the story ‘Buea Midnight Mass Burial Uncovered’ published by The Post Newspaper edition No. 01860
The story caught nationwide attention as it uncovered the hidden faces behind the gruesome acts of genocide. But the threats were equal the praises
On May 3, 2018, World Press Freedom Day, thesame article landed Isidore another recognition with a ‘Courage in Journalism Award”
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