Military Raids Muyuka And Mautu, Over 5 Shot, Dozens Arrested

Government military forces have arrested dozens in Muyuka following the gruesome killing of Tamassong Comfort, a lady butchered in a viral video on social media

“They were on a search for the killers of Comfort” a witness told this reporter, adding that many people have fled to the bushes

Before Muyuka, the soldiers invaded Mautu, a village few metres away from Muyuka

There, over five civilians are reported dead.

“Military trucks with civilians heavily guarded by military convoy were seen driving out to an unknown destination” our witness added

Graphic images of Comfort allegedly butchered by Ambazonia fighters created a viral uproar on social media when it first appeared on Wednesday

“Hold her leg, hold her leg”, one of the ‘butchers’ was heard shouting as they chopped her flesh with a machete in the live video

We earlier detailed a report that Comfort was killed for acting as an informant to government soldiers

The month has been filled with horror in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon.

On Monday August 10, a member of a vigilante group in Ndop was beheaded by gunmen and on August 3, another lady was slaughtered in a graphic video.

No separatist group has claimed responsibility for the acts but in recent outings on social media, activists promised to “pull down” anyone acting against the laws of the Ambazonian struggle for independence

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