Ambazonia War: Lady Butchered In Live Video

Graphic images of a lady allegedly butchered by Ambazonia fighters have created a viral uproar on social media

“Hold her leg, hold her leg”, one of the butchers was heard shouting as they tore her flesh in the video

This reporter gathered that she was killed for acting as an informant to government soldiers

The past days have been filled with horror in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon.

On Monday August 10, a member of a vigilante group in Ndop was beheaded by gunmen and on August 3, another lady was slaughtered in a graphic video.

No group has claimed responsibility for the acts but in recent outings on social media, activists promised to “pull down” anyone acting against the laws of the Ambazonian struggle for independence

As the crisis continues to strike the Anglophone regions of Cameroon, everyday, news of at least a gun battle, explosion or raid is recorded with several damages on civilians

Three years and counting, the crisis seems far from peace as the government and separatists have stayed at their fighting ends

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