Suspected Amba Fighters Murder Quarter Head In Bamenda

Armed men alleged to be Ambazonia fighters have reportedly killed the quarter head of Nibung quarter in Nkwen village – Bamenda III Municipality.

The Incident is believed to have occurred at about 8am on Sunday, October 22, 2023. The victim, Ndonwie Benatious was seriously ambushed by heavily armed men and shot dead while attempting to escape from them.

Bullets fired at Ndonwie by the fighters caught him on his head and legs. Despite being rushed to the hospital he couldn’t survive the gruesome injuries.

Locals described him as a peaceful and welcoming man, who worked effortless for the good of his community. His corpse has been placed at the Bamenda Regional Hospital mortuary awaiting burial program.

Additional information says after killing the quarter head, the armed men kidnapped one individual who is yet to be identified still in the same neighbourhood.

This comes two weeks after the brutal assassination of two civilians in Guzang village, Batibo sub-division by ambazonia fighters.

The killings inhabitants have said mostly occur when Ambazonia fighters accuse civilians of collaborating with the military.
This has been a random issue since the start of the Cameroon Anglophone crisis with several people being kidnapped, some brutally assassinated, fingers and heads chopped off like in the case of Tiko all in the name of cooperating with the military.

The Anglophone crisis which started since 2016 is yet to see the lamplight of peace. As it stands, morethan 7,000 people have lost their lives while efforts to calm the unrest looks like a nightmare each day.

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