Bambui: Inhabitants Accuse Government Forces Of Raiding Funeral Ground

Inhabitants of Bambui in the North West Region have raised concerns that government forces raided a compound in Fonta Quarter during a funeral celebration on Saturday January 7, 2022.

Inhabitants of Bambui in the North West Region have raised concerns that government forces raided a compound in Fonta Quarter during a funeral celebration on Saturday January 7, 2022.

An inhabitant hinted that “At about 3:35 PM at the peak of the celebration, the military marched into the celebration ground while others had taken position around the area. People could barely flee into the bushes since the military had surrounded the area”.

Reports have it that, the military opened fire at the celebration ground, killing one and causing panic amongst the mourners that fled for thier lives in all directions. It is said that more casualties were being recorded although unclear at the moment of this report.

The raid was committed a day after Paul Biya assured visiting diplomats to the Unity Palace that “… Cameroon remains committed to the peaceful resolution of conflicts through dialogue and negotiation”.

Since the crisis started in 2016 government forces have been repeatedly accused of looting and burning down civilian houses. The Anglophone crisis has to this date recorded more than 7,000 people killed both civilians and military yet there’s still no lamplight of peace.

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