On her Facebook profile, Brenda Formin shared how she refunded $50,000 which was mistakenly deposited into her bank account some days ago.
She said she was inspired by her Christian background and didn’t see integrity in crushing money she didn’t work for.
“I brought this on Facebook because there’s a lesson to pass on to young people like me. You see! INTEGRITY won’t cost you anything however it’s a conscious decision you make” she started by writing.
The rest of this story is published in her own words
“Imagine having to wake up one day to 50000USD in your bank account . What will you do? Knowing fully well you’re not at the level to own that and it’s not yours.
That was the story of my life yesterday. So I’ve used my account for long without the mobile banking app and just when I decided to register for one … I was at the bank yesterday and was assisted by a staff and upon getting tutorials on how to use the app, we got to the account history and there was a 5million shillings fixed fluid deposit in my account worth 50000USD. Apparently this was done since in June and it was already maturing.
That money was not mine and God neither sent it to my account. I wasn’t going to be a thief overnight to claim it . I immediately brought it to the attention of the staff that I never made any deposit to that effect and it should be rectified. I’m a student , there’s no way I will be making a deposit that huge in my account. Where did I get such money from?
50000USD is worth over 25million in my country. Was it worth my INTEGRITY and the destinies of so many involved at stake? No it wasn’t !!! My SALVATION and INTEGRITY is WORTH MORE!!!
I sat down and cried and saw to what depth HONESTY could save so many. The bank’s reputation, the person who made such a deposit , the staff who processed it. I do not need any human reward because my reward is being A CHRISTIAN! That is what Jesus will do and so Did I .
The error was traced . The aspect of similar User IDs at the bank needs just the last digit inputted wrongly and the money gets into another account . That was how 5 million shillings made it’s way to my account.
There still exist honest young people in Africa and today I present myself as one. People may have negative things to say as : God Blessed You… Listen to me , the God I serve doesn’t raise thieves . I’m not ONE . I have a conscience and God to answer to at the end of the day .
I was tested yesterday but I am grateful to God I passed it 🙌🙌🙌🙌. The staff were marveled at what level of honesty I had . Dear Christians , your life preaches the gospel more than your words will ever do.
This is a charge to every young African
It is wrong to falsify things just to get a job or get an award. It is wrong to claim what is not yours . The fact that it’s the trend with many shouldn’t be NORMALIZED . PATIENCE & T.R.U.T.H. are priceless VIRTUES.
We talk about change and I tell you, change starts with you and I. Accountability starts with you and I . Today I call on every young African to be intentional about this more than they ever were. By so doing , we can sure change tomorrow from today.
To my parents, mentors , pastors and God on high, I made you proud again. Your investments in my life will never be a waste . 50000USD was not worth more than the values you all have imbibed in me.
For those of you who doubt me .. check the pictures .. Those are the proves
What Will Jesus Do? Should be what should guide you every single day of your life. Your actions can ruin an entire generation or save them from impending doom. Choose where you fall.
I am #BrendaFormin, a proud and unapologetic 23year old honest Christian . I am Cameroonian . I believe in working hard and earning honorably”.
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