Anglophone Crisis: How Captain Thierry Engbwe Got Killed In Shishong, Kumbo

Thierry Engbwe, a military captain was killed by separatist fighters in Kumbo, Northwest region of Cameroon. Killed on Monday February 15, captain Theirrry was part of a military formation squad which was carrying out a patrol in Kumbo

Thierry Engbwe, a military captain was killed by separatist fighters in Kumbo, Northwest region of Cameroon.

Killed on Monday February 15, captain Theirrry was part of a military formation squad which was carrying out a patrol in Kumbo, one the regions plagued by the Anglophone crisis

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A brief attack turned bloody, Theirry, according to reports, was bulleted on their way back from mission at a place called Shishong

As this reporter gathered, when separatist fighters noticed the military patrol team was in Kumbo, they ran ahead, mounted a roadblock and hid themselves in the bushes ready for ambush

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Armed fighters opened fire on the military as they attempted to clear the blocked road leaving the captain shot in the brief attack

He was recently married. On social media, Theirry’s most recent status update wishing his wife a happy valentine has been trending.

He was a big loss not just to family, but also to the military family as a top ranking official

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