Bamenda Killing:Government Says 4 Boys Killed Were Terrorists

On Saturday January 23, 2021, four boys of ages below 20 were killed at Metar quarter in Bamenda.

In response, the Cameroon government through the spoke person of the ministry of Defense have said the four boys killed were terrorists.

According to Col. Atonfa ck Guemo Cyrille, spokesperson of MINDEF, their mission was to capture a certain ” General Tiger,” who was planning to attack the Police control post at T Junction.

” As military vehicles approached, these armed individuals who were busy consuming hard drugs, were taken by surprise and immediately opened fire on the elements of the defense forces…,” a section of the press release reads .

He added that ” the confrontation led to 4 terrorists neutralised, several others injured and on the run…,”

The press release ends by saying the abandoned building was used by separatist as a place for kidnaping, before taking hostages into various camps.

Corpses of these four children of ages below 20 were later found at the hospital mortuary, allegedly dumped by the Cameroon military.

They were identied by family members and buried in their homes.

The population of Bamenda and family members are yet to recover from the shock, saying their children were not separatist fighters.

On several occasions, many have been blaming the government for not speaking the truth, each time the military went wrong.

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