Controversial traditional leader Chief Moja Moja recorded a video of himself tendering an apology and asking the people of North West And South West regions to come together and dine with him
“My boss, your boss, the prime minister has asked me to calm down” Moja said in the video filmed from his ruling home
On December 15, the traditional ruler who is also a government military soldier launched an attack against the people of the North West Region living in Buea.
He was later seen on video asking the Northwesterners to leave Buea or be killed
“We the Bakweris had fought the Germans, yet you people killed our chiefs, we will show you people that we too know how to behead others …” Moja Moja said in another video while he performed a public ritual following the killing of the ruler of Mile 14 by separatist fighters.
But the government stayed silent on the utterances of hate and death threats coming from a leader. On social media, Cameroonians have been on ravage, which in many opinions, is a ploy by government to shift attention from the pressures of the Anglophone crisis.
Ewome John Eko nicknamed ‘Moja Moja’ is the Chief of Bwassa village in Buea, Southwest of Cameroon.
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