Ayukotang Ndep Nkongho, one of the defense lawyers for Ambazonia leader Sisiku Ayuk Tabe has been arrested by military officers in Limbe
The lawyer was arrested at about 6pm yesterday and kept under military custody
A source has revealed that Barrister Ayuk managed to communicate the information of his arrest to his younger brother before his phone had a low battery
According to reports, he’s being arrested after a visit to the South West region to get information about a little girl who was shot by military officers last while they set out for snails hunting.
“His crime is that he snapped a picture in the hospital with one of the persons who is receiving treatment of numerous bullet wounds shot by the
military while they were hunting snails at the back yard with Bessem Blandine shot to death by the military,” one of the lawyers said
This is a developing story…
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