Senator Regina Mundi Clocks One Month In Amba Custody

CPDM Senator, Regina Mundi is still in the hands of separatist fighters

Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement senator, Regina Mundi has now spent a month in the hands of separatist fighters.

Kidnapped on April 30, 2022 in Bamenda, Regina Mundi was ferried to an unknown location by armed separatist fighters.

Images of the aging senator Regina later went viral on social media with her kidnappers.

In one of the videos that circulated online, she was forced to read a paper, announcing her resignation from the government of Cameroon.

Separatist fighters later on threatened to execute the senator on May 20, asking the government to released all prisoners arrested in connection to the Anglophone crisis, but nothing was heard concerning her situation after the said date.

It is however still not clear if the CPDM politician is still alive or not.

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