Popular Bamenda-Based DJ Still In Military Detention

Military arrests population Bamenda based DJ and tagged as separatist

On May 1, 2022, Abanda Herbert Ambe was arrested for allegedly detonating a local explosive at Santa Park, few meters from Bamenda Commercial avenue grandstand.

Five days after, sources have confirmed that Ambe is a DJ who at times “does publicity for telecommunications company, Orange Cameroun”

After the local explosive was detonated on Labour day, members of the Cameroon Rapid Intervention Battalion, BIR went on rampant search around the area.

Ambe was arrested, after they discovered an FM transmitter remote control on him. He was immediately tagged as a separatist and that he used the remote to detonate the explosive.

After his images went viral on social media as a separatist, his friends and family members have cried foul for arresting and keeping him in detention even with disability nature.

“Ambe is a DJ working with Orange Cameroun. Everyone knows him in Bamenda. He does Orange promotion during public outings. This is not fair,” a source said

Just like many other Cameroonians arrested and bundled to prisons without proper investigations, the case of the Bamenda based DJ is still to be certain.

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