Military Raids Pinyin, Over A Dozen Killed

Okoro, an Ambazonian General and a group of fighters have been killed as government military forces invaded Pinyin, a village in Santa, North West region of Cameroon on Sunday July 19.

According to reports, Bush General facilitated the ambush by leading the military to hideouts of separatists.

The Military said they retrieved 22 cows belonging to senator Achidi Achu, motorbikes, generators, gun powder, military fatigues, a chain saw, bags of marijuana, a refrigerator, an AK automatic rifle, mobile and improvised explosive devices.

A statement said the mission was led by Col Matiang Charles Alain, Commander of the 51st Motorised Infantry Brigade, who has been congratulated by General Nka Valèrè, Commander of the 5th Joint Military region

Since the start of the crisis in 2016, over 4000 people have been killed, both military, separatist and civilians until date, there are still gun battles in the regions coupled with the coronavirus.

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