The new Senior Divisional Officer of Lebialem division in the South West region has been commissioned into his functions.
Ambang Fabien Nkah was installed Wednesday August 3, 2022 at his office in Menji by South West governor, Bernard Okalia Bilai
The installation ceremony, which supposed to take place at the ceremonial ground instead took place at the SDOs office, because of insecurity and because the site has been overshadowed with grass.
Speaking at the installation ceremony, governor Bernard Okalia called on elites of the area to collaborate with government officials to bring back life in the area
“I call on the politicians of Lebialem to come back and assist the population and government officials, because they can’t do the work alone. Let them come back and development their home,” Governor Bernard Okalia said
While noting that Lebialem is the only division in the entire country that has been completely abandoned because of insecurity, governor Bernard Okalia said the elites who are in the diasporas are the ones destroying the area
“To all the Doctors abroad, if they didn’t go to school here, could they become Doctors? Why are they so wicked towards the younger generation?” Governor Bernard Okalia added
Governor Bernard Okalia and the newly installed SDO were airlifted from Buea to the divisional capital of Lebialem, Menji, where the SDO took over his functions.
Lebialem is where separatist ‘General’ Field Marshall was recently killed. The division is one of the most affected by the Anglophone crisis.
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