By Ngong Linus Sallah on ARREYB
OTANG is the daughter to Galaxy J One, quite a famous name in the Cameroon music industry.
The talented kid rapper ranges among the most rising stars of Cameroon with a national music presence.
Not only does she have a talent for music but OTANG is also passionate about people and their plight. Picture below is OTANG and some streets kids.
The kid raper and her dad were on their way home from an interview over Cameroon’s national media CRTV when she stopped the taxi driver after a pitiful sight .
OTANG had seen some kids by the road begging for money and was extremely touched by thier plight. Her emotional action captured the attention of onlookers on the Yaounde streets who stood to watch.
She had moved to these kids, had a chat with them and shared some chewables with her new found friends.
The feeling of seeing her fellow kids suffer on a daily basis to feed themselves made her burst into tears.
The thought of RICHARD NTIRU’s “The Pauper” quickly came to this writer’s mind ; how paupers clean their nails with dry saliva and make every back of tree a comfortable bed.
Ntiru’s celebrated work of art also brings to mind our duties to these paupers who are not responsible for their situation but tossed by the hands of fate.
OTANG would later do a free style to entertain her new fans who watched at her simplicity in amazement.
This was the birth of a new dream and vision to make her music serve the people and leave an impact.
To seal her pact of friendship, OTANG took group photos with these kids and promised to always visit, assist and pray for them. She had made a convenant with the help of her father and fans to donate 50% of her EP sales to these kids and other charitable cases around Cameroon.
The young rising star has just dropped her latest EP called “VICTIMS” which is sold at 10.000frs and 2000frs per song.
The Game Changer as she is popularly called is building a budding career with the help of her father and expects your unwavering support to reach out to these underprivileged.
Kindly order an EP or a song and benefit from the talent while supporting some underprivileged kids out there.
Get a teaser of OTANG’s budding music career . Wtach !!! 👇👇👇
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