Nyangono Du Sud Said He Got His Wife To Abort, He’s Been Arrested With His Dancers

Nyangono Du Sud, a Cameroonian artist has been trending on social for helping his wife to abort a baby after she cheated on him

On Équinoxe TV last week, Nyangono talked about his marriage and how he dealt with his wife who cheated while he was away in China during the coronavirus lockdown

“On my return from China, I discovered that my wife was pregnant for another man.

The pregnancy was already two months, so I took her to a doctor and we flushed it out.

I believe that she was deceived by the man that I wouldn’t return again to Cameroon” he narrated on TV

The interview sparked much controversy on social media and most recently, the artist was arrested on Monday night alongside his dancers

Critics said he should be punished for promoting abortion on a live TV show, content that everyone including teenagers were consuming

Nyangono Du Sud is the singer of the popular song “Foup Fap” a song released last year which brought him to fame.

Cameroon’s penal code in section 337 to 339 declares abortion illegal.

Defaulters and those found guilty of abortion are imprisoned for at least 15 days and at most one year, and to pay a fine between 5,000 to 200,000 FCFA

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