By Bengel Gilbert on ARREYB
Backstage, this reporter talks to JOKFU NKEWIR PETER (Montana Peters), producer of the movie “The Choices We Make“.
The movie paints the picture of having a partner in your marital home – where we’ve got to make the right choices.
“I have been into several relationships and had alot of heartbreaks. This inspired my movie to serve as an eye opener to those who would watch. It all deals with the “choices we make“, good or bad”, Mr Peter said during a production session.
See backstage pictures of the movie coached by star Cameroonian actors like Epule Jeffrey and Nchifor Valery.
“Choices We Make” is written and produced by Jokfu Nkweir Peter ( Montana Peters), directed by Mofor Emmanuel (Hiranking) under Hiranking Empire Production .
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