[Highlights+Photos] A Recap Of Wisdom Record’s Music Ministers Summit

By Barake N. Brandon on ARREYB

Wisdom Record’s Music Ministers Summit was a gospel event held on 2nd September 2018. 

Being the first of its kind, it was an avenue where music ministers, video directors, producers and top nation entrepreneurs had a heart-to-heart talk with the audience on music branding and effective use of social media. 
This prestigious event by Wisdom Records under the distinguished patronage of Apostle Lefor Divine D. (DADDY D.), was co-hosted by Christ T, a star rapper of Wisdom Records.

At the summit, the likes of Daddy D. Proper Menko, Sir Nyenti Etta Boris, Bukonge T. ,Dr. Kapt, LP Lekingson, ARREYB and Rene were present to talk and inspire many. 

As professionals in their fields, the above speakers thrilled the attentive crowd with more than enough to write home about.
A participant told this reporter that the Music Ministers Summit influenced her positively and she was overwhelmed with joy. 
The event also saw the audio release of Christ T’s “Supernatural” and video release of “Am on High“, the award winning song directed by the phenomenal Dr. kapt.

Many had a cry that the summit be made a traditional event by Wisdom Records to share frequent experiences. 

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