Ensah Joel, Vribrant Youth Leader Killed By Gov’t Military In Fresh Raid

"Joel has been killed by military and grazer. The first set up did not work when he was tied up and blind folded, but other local military intervened to say he was not involved in any crime"

Ensah Joel Ofon, a prominent youth leader in Wum, has been killed by government military soldiers

The killing happened in Mukuru, a village in Wum, North West region as the military invaded the land. They carried Joel and a few other youths but only news of Joel’s death was received.

Joel’s killing has brought so much sorrow to the villagers. “He was a charismatic leader who kept the people together” , a friend wrote about him

“Joel should not be attributed to anything Ambazonia, the military came all the way from Wum to kill him” another villager said about his killing, adding that it was a planned execution with direct orders to waste his life.

“Joel has been killed by military and grazer. The first set up did not work when he was tied up and blind folded, but other local military intervened to say he was not involved in any crime

Joel is the reason why we still call Mukuru a village. I was with Joel on Wednesday and supposed to go down with him on Friday, he had no issues with anyone except grazers who constantly destroyed his crops.

And everytime he would seek a court or administrative solution. His passion was agriculture, he has the largest farm in Mukuru village”

Joel, just like many others, have been killed on accounts of the Cameroon Anglophone crisis which began in 2016

The farmer and vibrant youth leader is being mourned across his community who see his killing as a big loss. He leaves behind a wife and children to mourn him

Like many other killings happening under the government’s nose in Cameroon, no official statement has been made by the government authorities

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