Yaounde, Cameroon – March 20, 2020
24 days after news of her first case, Cameroon now records 142 confirmed cases of the Covid-19 virus with 6 deaths and 10 treated cases.
As the figures stretch daily, many citizens are worried as to what extra effort the government is making apart from identifying suspected cases, testing them and announcing in random tweets and press releases.
Citing the sad lessons to be learnt from the history of Italy, USA and other countries badly hit by the virus, some citizens think it is huge danger for Cameroon to continue to allow people go about their normal duties without imposing a lockdown added to the preventive measures of social distancing and keeping clean.
Cameroon may not be lucky if the government continues to ‘lazy’ around
They argue that the danger may be far grievous for Cameroon to bear and unlike the above mentioned countries, Cameroon is far from possessing sophisticated medical equipment and treatments to contain a large number of infected cases.

The nation has already lost 3,000+ people in the Cameroon Anglophone crisis which still experiences daily gun battles between Cameroon military soldiers and separatist fighters in the North West and South West regions.
Last week, our exclusive chat with a health official in Yaounde revealed some hidden stories and pointed reason that the government is concealing actual figures and cases of Coronavirus in Cameroon.
Our source, an official working with the team charged with Covid-19 patients in Yaounde, confined in us that there are many more cases of Coronavirus in Cameroon than official records put it.
Coronavirus In Cameroon : Figures The Govt Is Hiding From You
The president, Paul Biya has stayed mute and is yet to officially address his nation.
In a last week’s confront, opposition leader Maurice kamto of the MRC party goaded the president and gave him a 7 days ultimatum to address the Cameroonian people and show proof of his capability as president
To avoid an impending danger and lost of lives, there is a unanimous call on government officials to announce a solid response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the necessary means of financing households and businesses to ensure the efficiency of the lock down process.
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