Coronavirus In Cameroon : Figures The Govt Is Hiding From You

A closed chat with a health source in Yaounde has revealed hidden stories and pointed reason that the government is concealing actual figures and cases of Coronavirus in Cameroon.

Our source who is a an official working with the team charged with Covid-19 patients in Yaounde, said there are many more cases of Coronavirus in Cameroon than official records put it.

He expresses sadness that the Cameroon government doesn’t seem ready and has been reluctant to announce a national lock down to curb the spread and many more people from dying.

“They are hiding it, some government officials have contracted the Covid-19 virus, and even the wife of general is currently in quarantine” our source said authoritatively

Over the weekend, we published a report that House Speaker of Cameroon’s National Assembly, Hon Cavaye Yeguie Djibril tested positive for the virus.

He had just arrived Cameroon at the time when there were standing orders that all travellers who got into the country should be quarantined for a period of 14 days.

But the honorable defaulted. He denied to self isolate and took part in last week’s parliamentary deliberations – and the health minister stayed mute.

When questioned, the Public health minster Dr. Manaouda Malachie said he did not want to “indulge in unnecessary polemics” and asked Cameroonians not to derail from the objective of fighting the virus.

The same information was echoed on Saturday March 21, 2020 with calls from citizens requesting that all parliamentarians alongside staff and any family members who came in contact with Hon Cavaye, be quickly quarantined to prevent further spread.

“But Cavaye is truly contaminated and has contaminated several others working with him” – our source confirmed

Essome’s Death – The Tussle

While government figures stand at 66 official cases of Coronavirus in Cameroon, our source says this may only be a handful of actual figures and calls on Cameroonians to follow medical advice, isolate and stay home to be safe from contamination.

Between Friday March 20 and Monday March 23, cases of Coronavirus in Cameroon skipped to 56 cases and one death recorded.

The first death was reported by veteran footballer and former indomitable Lion, Patrick Mboma who tweeted about the passing of his uncle Achille Essome.

The late Achilles Essome was buried yesterday night but a tussle broke out on the actual cause of his death.

Government media stated that news about Essome dying of coronavirus in Cameroon was fake.

But findings reveal that Essome was hurriedly buried without the consent of some family members.

In a set of night images we received, those managing his coffin to be buried were protectively dressed.

A statement by Kalinka Essome Moukouri, daughter to late Essome confirmed her dad died of Coronavirus.

“My father Achille Essome Moukouri died this morning at 5:15 am, a victim of the coronavirus.

… Even in death, you wanted to be talked about, to be famous: the first deceased case of coronavirus in Cameroon.

Dad, you were admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon, you died this morning at 5:15 am and you were buried the same day at 7:00 pm. We weren’t even able to say goodbye to you with dignity because sanitary measures require it.

May his death not be in vain. The coronavirus is real and kills. It’s not a myth. Take care! Adopt responsible behavior in the face of this pandemic.

I am aware that a self-quarantine is not possible in Cameroon but please do your best and to those who live on the other side of the ocean, I say: stay at home! Protect your loved ones” – Kalinka wrote in an eulogy to her late father

Very Important : What should I do if I think I have Coronavirus (Covid-19) In Cameroon

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