Santchou: Five Armed Robbers Apprehended By Security Forces

Five armed Robbers suspected of stealing motorcycles have been arrested by elements of the Santchou Public Security Police Station in the West region.

Santchou Public Security Commissioner, Dalle Conrad Ngoundo said : ”It’s since 2022 that we received numerous complaints from people of the theft of their motorbikes. Since we opened investigations, we were not able to apprehend the criminals. Now we have succeeded to arrest them, one year after.”

The five suspects were caught while in possession of some motorbikes and spare parts and shown to the public on Wednesday, March 8.

They met their waterloo after stealing a motorbike parked by a man due to breakdown around La Falaise de Dschang.

The bike owner had left his bike to get a mechanic from Santchou.

”I allowed my bike at La Falaise to hire a mechanic in Santchou. To my greatest surprise, I could not find it again. I went back to Santchou and filed a complaint with the Public Security Police.” the victim explained.

Security officers then launch an immediate operation that led to the arrest arrest the perpetrators.

“Indeed it was that last operation that made us understand the modus operandi of the bike thieves. Once a bike is stolen, they dive with it into the bush where they dismantle its parts. Once this is done, they now sell the parts in the black market and generate income.” The Commissioner said.

During thier presentation to the public, the D.O of Santchou, Jean Louis Ntouh Ntouh used the opportunity to thank the public for thier collaboration. He encourage the people to continue collaborating with forces of law and order to fish out all the other criminals in the areas.

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