On July 14, 2022, President Paul Biya appointed Brigadier General Bouba Dobekreo to replace Brigadier General Nka Valere as the new commander of the 5th Joint military region in the North West region
General Nka Valere who has been in command in the region for two years and six months is heading to the International War College in Yaounde, where he will continue to exercise his functions.
For more than two years when Nka Valere has been in the North West region together with General Ekongwesse Divine, both have had a tough battle leading the military in the North West region in several attacks against some of the most dreaded separatist camps
But there seems to still be much work to be done by General Bouba Dobekreo, as the crisis persists.
64 year old Bouba Dobekreo is a former Commander of Rapid Intervention Battalion, BIR. He led the Multinational Joint Task Force to fight Boko Haram in the Northern region.
As Bouba prepares to touch down Bamenda, he is tasked with maintaining and bringing down separatists
Ambazonia fighter ‘General’ No Pity appears to be one of the strong men in the region. No Pity has been notorious for his attacks on the government military soldiers since 2019
General Bouba is going to be assisted by General Housseini, who will also have to work with the population to stop kidnappings around the town of Bamenda and other criminal activities.
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