Anglophone Crisis: 5 Shot Dead In Mile 90 As They Drink Beer

5 persons have been shot dead in mile 90.

Mile 90 is a growing village which is a few kilometres away from North West regional capital Bamenda

On Sunday night, locals said they heard random gunshots around a local drinking spot which had several people drinking beer over a chat

It was a shootout between military fighters who had presumably been alerted that separatist fighters were present in the locality

“The shooting lasted for more than 15 minutes” a source said, adding that he can’t tell which camp is responsible for the killing

5 persons were killed in the shootout

As fighting continues in Cameroon between separatists and government military soldiers, the results is that every day, atleast one person is shot dead in the Anglophone regions.

The Cameroon Anglophone crisis started since 2016 and is getting to five years with no real sign of peace

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