Anglophone Crisis: 4 Boys, All Below 20, Shot And Killed In Crossfire

The boys of ages below 20 died in a crossfire after the state military and separatist fighters engaged in a gun battle

Four young teenage boys have been killed in Bamenda, chief town of the North West region.

The incident occurred Saturday January 23, 2021 at Metar quarter.

The boys of ages below 20 died in a crossfire after the state military and separatist fighters engaged in a gun battle

It is not really clear as to whether they were killed by separatist or government forces, but some inhabitants of the locality say they died from strays bullets

Since the escalation of the crisis in 2016, at least a person is reported dead every day in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon. Fighting between an Israeli-trained government military forces and armed separatists are put the population in constant threat.

Although the government denies the existence of a genocide in the Cameroon Anglophone regions, at least 5,000 people have been killed, more than half a million taken off their homes and a little over 300 villages burnt down.

The Cameroon government is yet to react to news of the killings

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