Anglophone Bike Rider Found Dead In Centre Region

A bike rider from Kom has been found dead in the Centre region

The remains of a bike rider, Ndifon Yannick has been found in a bush in Nomayos, Centre region

Yannick went missing on May 21, 2022, after leaving the house to hustle on the streets.

According to family sources, Yannick left his native Kom in the North West region as a result of the crisis, but met an untimely death in Nomayos, a town near Yaounde city

“After searching for him for days, we discovered his body in the bush where he was attacked by thieves his bike taken and he was killed,” a family source hinted

His body was immediately buried on May 24, because it was already in a decomposition state

Yannick is one amongst many Anglophones who have died in the Francophone regions, despite running from the Ambazonian war.

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