Authorities in Cameroon have ordered the suspension of a University lecturer who set a question on the Anglophone crisis in his student exams
Human rights lawyer and teacher at the University of Buea, Felix Agbor Nkongho added a compulsory question to his March 3, 2020 assessment, on the course ‘Political and Constitutional History of Cameroon’
“The Anglophone crisis since 2016 was caused by the Teachers’ and Lawyers’ strike. Assess the validity of this statement” – question one on the exam paper read, requiring students to answer on a score of 40
In a release yesterday, the Minister of Higher Education ordered the vice Chancellor of the University of Buea, Prof Ngomo Horace Manga to put an end to Nkongho’s duties as lecturer
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“I have asked you to put an end to the actions of barrister Felix Agbor Balla Nkongho, likely to seriously undermine the ethics of the University… I hereby petition you again, to report to me in writing with the measures taken to definitely put an end to this situation, to enable me report to my hierarchy” – part of the press release read
Arrested and detained at Kondengui in January 2017, Agbor Nkongho has been one of the pivots of the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon
He lead of the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium (CACSC) which was later banned and its activities declared illegal. He was arrested by government forces who charged him for treason, terrorism, civil unrest and jeopardising the peace of the country.
He returned to teach after his release on August 30, 2017, through a presidential decree
Cameroon is still troubled by gun battles and daily fighting in the Anglophone regions, and authorities continue to threaten and silence vocal voices including lawyers, journalists and activists.
The official death toll in the past three years has beat 3,000 with several people still detained, more than 200 villages burnt down and a million people displaced
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