Cameroon: Presidential Candidate Akere Muna Vows “Zero Tolerance For Corruption,Tribalism,Nepotism and Favouritism

Barrister Akere Muna, Prominent English-speaking barrister and President Biya’s most daring opponent into the 2018 presidential elections has vowed “zero tolerance for corruption, tribalism, nepotism and favouritism” in Cameroon when he becomes president.

The elegant aspirant was speaking after nine organisations of Cameroon’s opposition groups gave him their backing in a “platform for a new republic” during a meeting in Yaounde.

Their joint statement after the Monday 15 January meeting saw their determination to form a powerful opposition aiming at Cameroon’s presidency.

Muna, former vice president of the Anti-corruption campaign group of International Transparency and one time president of the Cameroon Bar Association has been formerly designated as the only opposition candidate to face President Biya who has been in power since 1982.

While President Biya is yet to announce if he will stand for the upcoming elections in Cameroon, the ruling party, CPDM sees him as the eminent candidate.

Amidst the tension that has characterised the English-speaking regions, one still doubts their degree of participation in the forthcoming elections.

Also Read :
{Video}Bar. Akere Muna on the Anglophone Struggle,Exclusive Interview With ARREYB

While a group stand with the elegant MUNA, others say secession from LA Republic Du Cameroun to the Federal State of Ambazonia would be the solution.

The over 23 million Anglophones have faced serious conflict with the military leading to many deaths, several Injured and others who migrated to neighboring Nigeria as refugees

Two factions have been created; the federalists and the secessionist group largely controlled from the diaspora.

One question remains pending. Would AKERE MUNA be the one to end President Biya’s 35 year term in Cameroon?




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