Video Editors, Artists and Actors gave it a Standing Ovation. You Need to Watch Transformed by Daddy D ft Glamour

Few days ago Daddy D launched his latest video titled transformed. It is no doubt this video is one of Kamer’s most outstanding work in 2017. Video editors, artists, bloggers, actors and many celebrities recommend this for you. In fact if you don’t comment, then I’ll consider this was so fascinating you forgot to drop a comment. LOL

See for yourself

  • Artists: Daddy D ft Glamour
  • Directed by Bobe Kukwah Anthony (Dr. Kampt)
  • Concept: Daddy D, CEO Wisdom Records Label

Hey let’s do this for an Amazing Award from Daddy D

TRANSFORMED CHALLENGE. Take a photo, post on Facebook and Tag Lefor Divine. See some amazing challenges of the week so far


continue on ARREY-B

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