West Region: Gunmen Attack Leave Soldier Dead At GBHS Bamenyam

Atleast one soldier of the Cameroon force has died and others injured, after gunmen stormed a school in the West region.

According to information gathered, the suspects came on board with several motorbikes on Tuesday morning around the school premise in Galim subdivision.

Eyewitnesses said soldiers that were stationed at the school gate quickly opened fire on the men and it resulted to a shootout.

We are told, atleast one soldier died on the spot and others were injured, including few casualties on the students and teachers.

“The school instantly closed, as everyone ran for safety, ” a source said

Meanwhile, we later on gathered that authorities came back later in the evening to assess the situation and look for means that the institution can go operational again.

Our source could not independently confirm if any casualty was recorded on the gunmen’s side

Separatist fighters have claimed responsibility for several attacks in the West region for the past years, with some led my ‘General’ No Pity of Bambalang

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