Taiwan government has said the country has recorded six more cases of coronavirus with the first coming from Cameroon
The country’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on Friday January 22 said the latest imported cases were 6; the first is a man from Cameroon and the rest include a Taiwanese citizen and four migrant fisheries workers
Chen Shih-chung, the Minister of Health and Welfare said that Case No. 875 is a Cameroonian male in his 30s who works in Taiwan
He had returned to Cameroon in early December of last year
When he returned to Taiwan on January 5, he did not report experiencing any symptoms to quarantine officers, Taiwan News reported
After the end of his quarantine, he took a coronavirus test at his own expense on January 20 and was diagnosed with the virus on January 22
The government said since the man is asymptomatic and those who interacted with him at the quarantine facility and hospital wore adequate protective equipment, no contacts have been listed
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