President Paul Biya, At 89, Might Run Again In 2025 Election?

Replying to a journalist during a press conference at the Unity Palace, Cameroon’s president Paul Biya made comments on whether he’ll run for president in the 2025 presidential elections

Biya who almost never grants interviews had this to say in response

“As you know Cameroon is run in accordance with it’s constitution” he said to the journalist, adding that “when this mandate expires you will be informed if I’ll stay or return to the village”

The current mandate expires in 2025

But it’s unlikely that the president steps down as this is not the first time the citizens he has been met with speculated of stepping down, being dead, incapacitated or inactive.

Biya is the oldest African leader and the world’s longest non-royal leader

Even on several occasions when the Anglophone regions have mounted pressure in riots the president has acted indifferent

It’s been 40 years he has ruled as president of Cameroon

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