PM Dion Ngute Wants Investigation On XAF 22 Bln Spent On Covid-19

Following the controversies roaming around the management of the Covid-19 funds, Cameroon’s prime minister, Joseph Dion Ngute has ordered an inquiry on details of the expenses

The PM is requesting a detailed account from all the administrative units involved in the management of funds during the pandemic, they will give account of all material and financial gifts

On Wednesday July 22, the minster of public health, Manaouda Malachie declared on state media CRTV that the Cameroon government had spent 22 billion CFA in the fight against the novel coronavirus

He revealed that over 19 billion CFA francs was taken from the Public treasury account.

An earlier report we published on Monday lebelled out the expenditures including the 2 Billion CFA in the Bgfi account and more than 150 million CFA francs in UBA Bank account.

“4 billion FCFA was used for the construction and equipment of 12 Isolation Centers: one in each region and two at the airports of Douala and Yaoundé, and 2 billion CFA francs were transferred to the regions, to the governors and to the regional delegates of Public Health, to care for the sick.” the minister said

Click HERE to read detailed budget

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