Michelle Nintcheu Supports Kamto’s Protest Against “Dictatorship”

Honourable Jean Michelle Nintcheu, politician and militant of the SDF party has shown support for Kamto’s protest against dictatorship.

Kamto was speaking at a press conference Monday August 24, 2020 where he said no election should be held in Cameroon without a solution to the anglophone crisis and an electoral system reform.

“If the Biya regime ventures to organize the regional elections, I will call on a campaign for national resistance and the eventual downfall of the head of state, Paul Biya” Kamto said, adding that the population should get ready to take out the dictator.

Nintcheu says the SDF went for the twin elections because the Biya regime assured them that internally displaced persons of the anglophone crisis were going to return to their homes, but this did not happen.

According to him, the CPDM is planning to humiliate all political parties that will be part of the regional elections.

So, Nintcheu calls on all political parties to boycott the upcoming regional elections, adding that “when all means of negotiation are blocked, insurrection remains the only solution.”

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