March 12 Set For Senatorial Elections Day In Cameroon

Following the convocation of the electoral college on January 13 by the Head of State, Paul Biya, candidates had 15 days to file thier candidacy in accordance with the Electoral Code. This deadline expired on January 28, 2023.

These declarations are made in triplicate and bear the signatures of the candidates, deposited and registered with a receipt at the general directorate of elections or at the regional level of ELECAM.

Candidates must be over 40 years old on the date of the election and be a citizen of Cameroon by origin and prove effective residence in the territory of the region concerned. A copy is immediately kept at the Constitutional Council by the candidate or his representative with a receipt.

Out of the 100 senators in the upper house of Parliament, 70 or 10 per region will be elected at the same time as their alternates, 30 will be appointed by the President of the Republic as stipulated by electoral law, for a five-year term. All political parties with municipal councilors are now concerned by the convening of the electoral college

The vote is scheduled for Sunday March 12, 2023 and senatorial electors are summoned to the chief town of each department for an effective election. The polling stations will be open at 8:00 a.m. and closed at 6:00 p.m.

However, Cameroonians look forward to seeing new faces of senators who will work more for their betterment.

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