Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, the Prince and 80th Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, has died in Rome at the age of 76, the Sovereign Order announced on its website
“With profound regret the Grand Magistry announces the death of His Most Eminent Highness the Prince and 80th Grand Master Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, which took place in Rome a few minutes after midnight on 29th April, following an incurable disease diagnosed a few months ago.”
Before his death, Grand Master Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre carried out numerous official and state journeys, the last being his visit to Cameroon

Malta’s Gand Master of Sovereign Order Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto shakes hands with President Paul Biya during his visit to Cameroon – 2018
In 2018, the Grand Master arrived in Cameroon for a state visit from July 16 to 19. President Paul Biya received him at the Unity Palace in Yaoundé where he visited the new apostolic nuncio, Monsignor Mario Murat and the Yaoundé University.
When news broke on social media about his visit and the supposed invitation of the Grand Master of the Sovereign order of Malta by President Paul Biya, many Cameroonians took to social media to caution religious authorities and Christians to pray for what they called a visit by the ‘head of a “cult” to the country to kill more souls‘
The information which quickly spread on social media kept many Cameroonians worried about his motive for visiting the country at trying moments
The Sovereign Order of Malta is one of the oldest institutions of Western and Christian civilisation.
It is a lay religious order of the Catholic Church since 1113 and a subject of international law.
The Sovereign Order of Malta has diplomatic relations with over 100 states and the European Union, and permanent observer status at the United Nations – one believed to be neutral, impartial and apolitical.
Founded in Jerusalem in the 11th century, the Order operates through 12 Priories, 47 national Associations, 133 diplomatic missions, 1 worldwide relief agency and 33 national volunteer corps
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