Green Peace Africa Calls Cameroon Senators & Parliamentarians To Join Fight Against Land Grabbing

By Arrey Bate

Excerpt :

 “Sudcam should also publicly disclose all documents related to its ownership and land acquisition” Eric Ini, GreenPeace forest campaigner .

GreenPeace Africa together with a host of some Cameroonian artists, actors and comedians have called on parliamentarians and senators to join the fight against land grabbing in their local communities.

In a press outing, the organization has accused the Sudcam company, a subsidiary of Halcyon Agri to give back the customary rights on native land which is the livelihood of poor inhabitants.

The activities of Sudcam is robbing us of our livelihood and we do not have any reliable institution to address our grievances”, Mekoulou Ondo Thomas, an indegene of Edjom community told the GreenPeace agents in one of her routinely visits to the area.

GreenPeace Africa organisation says her visits to village communities like Bitye, Edjom, Ndibessong, Zoumeyo and Ekok in Manyu division leaves much to write about an unregulated land grabbing in Cameroon.

They join their voices with star and opinion leaders in various fields to cry foul and ask parliamentarians to assist their communities.

Artists like Mr Leo, Actors like Nsang Dilong, Freddy Kristel and Alene Menget have joined the clarion call against land grabbing.

These opinion leaders have actively joined the campaign by releasing sketches,comedy videos and making media outings.

They call on Sudcam and other multinational organisations to stop the land expropriation done with little or no compensation given to these communities.

Sudcam should also publicly disclose all documents related to its ownership and land acquisitionEric Ini, GreenPeace forest campaigner said.

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