People who have some older smartphones will not be able use WhatsApp in 2021, WhatsApp has said, in line with new technology and upgrades
They will be unable to use the app to message friends and family on WhatApp untill they update the application
In some devices, the app will stop working completely and for others, if you will need to make changes to your device, WhatsApp will pop an alert within your phone app
Android users also who do not have 4.0.3 operating systems or newer versions will be needing to update the app.
WhatsApp will stop working completely for people still using an iPhone 4 or older and some Android devices including the Motorola Droid Razr and the Samsung Galaxy S2.
Anyone with an old phone and wants to continue using the app will have to upgrade their operating system and phone to the latest software available
Android users can do this by visiting “Settings” and clicking on “About Phone”
Check here to see if your phone will be able to run WhatsApp by next year
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