SDO Tegnie Fidel and Mayor Denis Awoh Ndang
Fundong council in the Boyo Division, North West region of Cameroon has voted its 2021 financial budget.
This was during a budgetary council meeting that was held on December 5th at the council conference room.
During the council session, councillors voted and massively agreed on the sum of 940,570,792 FCFA as as draft budget for the 2021 fiscal year.
The 2021 draft budget of the council has witnessed a drastic increase of 292,954,640 and a percentage increase of 45.2% from that of the current year.
Present during the session was the SDO of Boyo, Tegnie Fidel who urged the councillors to stay committed as they plan to move on with activities of the new year.
Speaking about the upcoming regional elections, Senior Divisional Officer Tegnie said it is a new and good thing that has been introduced in the country. “It is even historic to us, because we are going to have once more the house of chiefs,” SDO Tegnie said, urging the popular of Fundong and Boyo Division at large to collaborate with the councillors.
During the council session, Mayor Denis Awoh Ndang congratulated his councillors for being committed, as he exposed some of the projects for 2021, with the construction of classrooms, roads and bridges being among.
“Since these recent councillors were voted into office this is the first time they have attended the council session massively. They are here because they are preparing for the elections,” Mayor Awoh Ndang said.
Talking about the security challenges in the town, mayor Awoh Ndang say things are gradually getting to normalcy ” if Fundong is what it is today, it is thanks to the security forces and government officials who have been working hard,” the mayor said.
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