Dissatisfied Axed G27+ Members Neglect Sanctions meted Out On Them By SDF

On Friday, February 25, 2023, the Social Democratic Front (SDF) party dismissed 32 senior members of the party who accused the Chairman and Founder, Ni John Fru Ndi, for reputedly infringing the party’s constitution.

Reports say the dismissal of the 32 party bigwigs came after they filed a case at the Mfou Magistrates Court against SDF Chairman Ni John Fru Ndi, and Secretary General Barrister Djomgang Adeline telling them to revoke some decisions taken last year.

The members were later laid off after being found guilty of Article 8.2 of the party’s constitution, which charges them of promoting anti-party activities.

However, Jean Michel Nintcheu, an agitator member of the group and his followers sent out a communique on February 27 stating that the judgement of the party’s national executive committee to dismiss them on February 25 was invalid.

“The G27+ is committed to continue the fight for the restoration of democracy and justice within our political party and therefore invites activists to stay tuned for other actions of which they will be informed in due course,” they declared.

The G27+ Members believe that thier eviction did not respect the procedures provided for by the texts of the party and so the Chairman must respect the party’s constitution or he will be carried to court to forcefully do so.

According to MMI “the chairman denied violating the constitution, stating that the G27+ members want to destroy the party.”

While awaiting the court hearing to take place on March 2, 2023, it should be noted that majority of the G27+ members hold top positions of responsibility within the party.

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