Covid-19: ‘To Govern You Must Forsee, Akere Muna Warns Govt On Impending Danger

Following recent figures of covid-19 in Cameroon, Prominent lawyer and candidate in the 2018 presidential elections, Barrister Akere Muna has called on authorities to act immediately to effect a national lockdown to curb the spread of the virus.

On Friday night, figures increased by 200 recording a total of 509 cases, and by Saturday 45 new cases were discovered making a total of 554.

“The economy is heading towards disaster as oil prices fall under $20 (We budgeted over $50). We need a Marshall Plan NOW and we must lockdown,” Muna said in a tweet to warn the government.

As Cameroon battles with the cases of Coronavirus, she has become the second worst hit Sub-Saharan African country after South Africa with more than 1,500 cases

Cameroon’s president, Paul Biya has remained mute and not addressed the nation since the start of the crisis.

MRC opposition leader, Maurice Kamto has expressed doubt if Biya is still in capacity to rule. In a press release on Friday, he called Biya a failure and absentee commander.

Kamto has given the president a 7 days ultimatum to show proof of his physical presence or he will embark on legal procedures to obtain evidence of his status.

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